Friday, September 9, 2011

Thinking about the Kids

Today I was reading the Assistants in France Forum, and going through some of the posts about teaching Primary school. They were exchanging advice about which books to read, sing-along songs and what keeps the kids interested or what helps them really learn. I started picturing myself in front of a classroom of children, and the transfer of knowledge that will take place. I'm really going to help someone learn something! It's so special to me that I have the opportunity to help them. I really hope I can be a teacher that they remember, and appreciate, and learn from. Even if it's something as simple as colors or the alphabet, I really want to help spark their interest in English and encourage them to continue with it in the future!

I'm going to go to a used bookstore and try to find some good books to bring. I'm also going to bring a couple of Dr Seuss books I have left from my childhood. I'm assisting, and they'll probably tell me what to do so I won't get too crazy bringing my own things. But I'm looking forward to it! It's times like these where I really wish my grandma was still alive so I could tell her about it, and get her advice (she was an elementery school teacher). She would have been so proud of me...


P.S: 22 Days left!!!!!


  1. I don't know if you started, yet, but you are going to love it! Especially if you are teaching the early childhood education crowd (PreK-1st). They are a hoot, lol. It is also great that you are pretty good in French, because while you probably not "supposed" to speak in French to them, 9 times out of 10, you will find yourself speaking it a bit everyday, especially when the kids get to tattling lol. I ended up in a school in a VERY small town outside of Madrid, and the whole school treated me like I was a celeb! I enjoyed every minute of it, and I hope you get to experience that too ;)

  2. Hey! I'm just reading this comment about a month into the job, and every single thing you said was right! I am also in a small town, and I really feel like a local celebrity every time I walk into the building! I'm not all confident enough in French to speak it in front of the classes, because I feel like it would look bad to be struggling and making mistakes so I speak in English in order to "immerse" them (really it's so I don't have to suffer! haha) and it works out okay so far. I would love any suggestions about teaching based on your experiences!

    <3 Francesca
