Saturday, April 21, 2012

A much needed update is on the way!

Hey there everyone!

So much has happened since my last post. Some events seemed like a nightmare, while others were a dream. I have officially finished my contract (yay!!) but I am still living in France! I will make my updates later.

I have several posts that I had written but for some reason drafted rather than posting, so I will release those, hopefully over the next few days.

Untill then, keep following your heart my loves! And keep me in your thoughts and prayers


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Uh, Happy New Year.........

Hi Everyone!

So I pretty much suck at keeping up with this blog. BUT it's really a good thing, because it's due to my lack of free time since November. I've been traveling like crazy. Since I made that last post, I've been to Madrid, Torino, Lille, RouenLos Angeles, Paris a couple times, London, Brussels, and Barcelona!! Amazing, right? It's all a part of this amazing experience.

I just read my last post, and it touched me because I remember so clearly how depressed I was when I first began this journey. And I distinctly remember the feeling of panic that would rise in my chest every time I thought about how many months I had left to go.

I officially have three months left.

In one day I'll celebrate (well, not really celebrate, but I'll look back and smile) because I will have been living in France for exactly four months. I LIVE IN FRANCE. I still can't believe it. And the funny thing is.... the thought of leaving so soon gives me that same sense of panic. Yikes! I'm praying for a way to have an amazing summer in Europe. I will keep you all updated.

In the meantime, I want to talk about how wonderful my stay in Los Angeles was. I was busy every day. I saw all my closest friends, went to the beach, spent time with my grandma, went to Disneyland and Six Flags Magic Mountain, soaked up the sun, and celebrated the holidays. It was so special. So special in fact, that it made me depressed to leave (I promise I'm not as emotional as I seem lol). I pretty much cried the night before I left until my first plane touched down in Salt Lake City, Utah for the layover that would eventually lead me to Paris.

All those feelings changed almost immediately once I landed in France. Strangely enough, it felt like returning back home. Everything was so familiar, and somehow my French came back to me stronger than before. I didn't miss a beat finding my way from the airport all the way back to my little Noyon, where my dear friend Federica was waiting for me. It was also cool because almost two minutes after the plane landed and I turned my phone on, my friend Yuko called me about our NYE plans in Paris. Life just fell right back into place.

January had it's moments, but all-in-all it was incredible. Bringing in the New Year in front of the Effiel Tower with five of my closest friends is something I never would have even dreamed of. It was so surreal. And to spend the next weeks traveling with them and hosting them in my home here was just a blessing. I'm so grateful.

And so now I'm just relaxing, saving some money and trying to budget for the next adventures. I'll try my best to update here more often!


I never thought I'd be so excited to get a pair of thermal underwear for Christmas.

My lovely city. Yes this is December.

Merry Christmas y'all!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I am Changing

Tonight was an emotional night for me. Maybe the bottle of Bordeaux we had with diner has a bit to do with it, but I realized I am changing.

I spent the first couple of days here in Noyon freezing cold, exhausted, and depressed. I felt the lonliest I've ever felt in my life, completely isolated from my friends, family, and all that was familiar to me. My head was clouded with thoughts about the past, and feelings of regret. I spent so much time agonizing over a past relationship, and panicing about the fact that I had several months left of this journey with no way of escape because it was too late to turn back. I was like a prisoner of my own mind. A lot of others tell me that they battled with the same feelings in the beginning, so I guess it's normal.

But thats over now. And I'm so grateful!

Since then I've made friends, gotten to know my roommates, grown to appriciate my new hometown, and most importantly, TRAVELED! I haven't even been here a whole month and I have already been to Amiens, Albert, and PARIS!! And tomorrow I'll be boarding a flight to Madrid, Spain! It will be my first time there so I'm super excied!! I'm going to visit a friend so it should be a lot of fun.

One of the beautiful things about living here in Europe is that I live closer to one of my very best friends, Federica. She has spent the last week with me, and its been so wonderful having her around. It's like being with family, which I really needed. We explored and partied in Paris together, and spent a couple of chill days here in Noyon. Today was her last day in France before heading back home to Italy, and we spent the morning at the open air market and the evening making diner and talking. This is when I got emotional. I told her about how I'm beginning to feel a bit like my old self again, but in a completely different way. I confided my feelings to her and analyzed them. It was helpful because I'm really in transition right now, and I'm just starting to process everything.

After Spain I head back to my boulot (job) of teaching classes to my eager pupils. I'm trying to organize some lessons now because I know all be too exhausted when I get home to try to make some. I promise I'll update more soon! For now, here are a couple of pics of my new home:

My day feels incomplete if I do not have at least one pastry or baguette. Seriously!

Before it started POURING out of nowhere

The houses here are so cute

They remind me of Mr Rogers Neighborhood!

Or a storybook

Or pleasantville

J'adore la France!

Hasta Luego! (gotta get ready for Spain haha)

<3 Francesca

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Celebrity Life

I feel like a local celebrity at school

so my job is to basically speak englihs and play games with a bunch of kids. At orientation they told us that we are like a present for them, and I think its right. When i first entered the classrooms the kids all looked at me like a shiney new toy they couldnt wait to play with. I had varied reactions from my 13 classes on my first days of work. some classes gave me a round of applause, some stood up as I entered the room, and some all shouted "HELLO!" at the top of their lungs lol.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A little update on my life!

My new home!

I know, I've been living here in France for two weeks now (WOW), and not a single peep. But I have a good excuse! I am proud to reveal that up until yesterday I have been living a completely disconnected life, with no cell phone and no internet connection at home. I've been able to sneak a few minutes here and there at the library or at the schools I work at but I never have enough time to write something!

So now that I have a reliable internet connection at home, I can update this blog and My Peace Love & Travel! I don't have enough time to write too much tonight because I have to prepare for my classes tomorrow and go to bed lol. But I'll tell you what my day was like today:

*Woke up at (around) 6:30am
*Got the bus to school at around 7:45am, greeted the bus driver "bonjour" and got dropped off at school about 30min before classtime.
*Walked in with the directrice (the principal) and immediately felt like I was in an icebox because it was FREEZING in the builing. Smiled and nodded my head in indimidation as she said somethings to me in French at a rapid speed. I understood about %5 of what she said, and didn't have the courage to ask her to repeat it lol
*Spent the day teaching eager French kids the "Trick or Treat Song" (including the smell my underwear part lol) and Halloween vocabulary. It was rediculously cute.
*Took the bus home, and on the way stopped at the boulangrie to get a half baguette for my lunch tomorrow and then Monoprix, kind of like a cross between CVS and Albertsons, to get some food.
*Walked home and did routine things like laundry and dishes.

I live in an apartment with two roomates. This is the first time I've moved out of the house and lived on my own or with other people so mundane things like laundry, dishes, and cooking for myself are kind of a big deal! haha

I promise I'll update more and post pictures when I get a chance! Hopefully this week!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Just Around the Riverbend!


This is my Facebook status right now, and I can't believe the time has almost come! I'm almost headed off for France! Forget the fact that I still have to work on my packing situation. I will most likely be bringing two 50lb suitcases, a backpack and a carry-on. These items total weight just about as much, if not more than I do, so I'm preparing for struggles and lots of stares from people wondering if I'm crazy lol.

So a post or two ago I said how I always related to Ariel, and how she wanted to be "part of that world." Well, now I feel more like Pocahontas, which is better anyway because she was strong, wise, independent, and a real risk-taker. Something really exciting is just around the corner for me, and it may not be the smoothest or most steady course, but it's mine and I'm ready for it!

See you in France!


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mon Pere est Sage

So I also wanted to write about a conversation I had with my dad yesterday.

I was talking to him about something unrelated to me leaving, but I don't remember what it was! Somehow he got into a little speech about how you have to live life fast, and take every opportunity because most of them only come once. He also told me that you only get to live this life one time, and it goes by so quickly so you have to do all you can now, while you can. I thought this was very wise, and excellent advice! Especially for someone like me who is indecisive, and wastes a lot of time mulling over the details of something rather than just doing it! Thank God it didn't get in the way of me going to France, but I want to really take heed to everything he told me!

Live your life and be free!
